District Clerk
disctrict clerk
Casie Walker
District Clerk
In November 2010, Casie was elected Burnet County District Clerk. She began her work in the District Clerk's office in 2004 serving as Deputy District Clerk and then Chief Deputy before taking office in January 2011.

Duties of the District Clerk
The District Clerk, elected to a four-year term, performs duties as assigned by the Texas Constitution. The Burnet County District Clerk maintains the official record of all court proceedings heard in both District Courts and the County Court at Law of Burnet County.  The Clerk is registrar, recorder and custodian of all court pleadings, instruments and papers that are part of any cause of action in any civil or criminal District Court and family actions in County Court at Law. 

The Criminal Division maintains case records on felonies, some misdemeanors and grand jury proceedings. The Civil Division maintains case records on cases including contract, tort, real estate, consumer and tax collections and more. The Family Division maintains case records on cases including divorces, child support, custody, adoption, family protection and more.
Part of the Clerk's duties include issuing citations, writs, arrest warrants, commitments to jail, subpoenas, abstracts of judgment and appellate records - along with collecting court costs, fines and fees and maintaining the registry of the Court. The District Clerk also manages juries for District Courts, County Court at Law, Justices of the Peace and the Cities of Burnet and Marble Falls.

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